Sunday, December 11, 2011

Understanding Fat

 That unsightly layer of fat lingering under your skin makes looking in the mirror on-par with the latest horror movie for most. But why is it there? How did it appear? Well I'm here to help break it down for you guys; a little beyond "eating oo much" or not "working out." Hopefully this can help everyone really understand how it is formed and how easy it is to prevent from accumulating!

In the beginning of time... well maybe a little after that- when man roamed the lands in search of food, there would be times where weather conditions were fairly nice and times they were so harsh that man would question why he is going to such great lengths to survive. Now the mention of weather will be my example but there are countless other variable that you could come up with. Now man is out on a nice summer day, and he can collect food/hunt very easily and stocks up on food until he has had more than his share. Later in the year, the land is barren and cold, animals are hidden in small holes to stay alive, and man hungers for food. Now the correlation between these two events is simple; man in the summer time stocked up on food. He ate more than his share, and the excess energy that wasn't burned and that was not digested clung to his body in the form of fat. Man then had a layer of "excess energy" on his body that he could use for later. Like a battery or.. (insert multiple other analogy's) . When the time came where he could not consume more energy, he simply used his body as a source of energy without even knowing it. Dipping into his own energy supply found in his fat, he is able to survive another day.

Now that you know the human reason for creating fat(in a nutshell), now we can dive into what exactly he ate that made him fat. Most forms of energy can be digested, and he probably wasn't at the local McDonalds, so where did it come from? For our cave man, an excessive amount of fruits was probably the case. Protein can be digested, and so can most vegetables. Fruit on the other hand have a high amount of natural sugar(also digestible) and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a substance that can not be passed through digestion, but can only be used up in the form of energy. It's similar to the accursed broccoli that can only be disposed of through consumption - except in this case it can only be disposed of through the usage of energy. Simple enough right? Eat no carbs, gain no fat; in a time on Earth that could be achieved. In modern times cheaply processed grain is something that is hard to escape, creating a sort of addiction to the substance. Ketosis is the state your body undergoes, triggered by your liver, when you deprive it of carbohydrates. It literally sucks the fat off of your body - but is HIGHLY dangerous is is NEVER recommended without highly trained assistance. We are talking 0 carbohydrates for days to achieve this(depending on your diet 10-20 may trigger as well). But limiting carbohydrate consumption, and tapering it down on a weekly schedule allows you to almost exterminate the need to draw energy from it.

In modern times we are rarely at points where we cannot consume food when we are faced with hunger, so the need for fat is an outdated human feature. Due to the bread basket of the world though, it is something that we constantly have to deal with in our day to day life. Rise above it! Using knowledge and a little bit of effort, you can say goodbye to fat without having to starve yourself or overwork your body, while greeting a new healthier way to live your life!

Next post will involve a smart diet revolving around this idea!

Hope you guys enjoyed, feel free to leave comments or questions!!
